Annie Fitz


  • Dr Ann Williams-Fitzgerald’s love for life is shown in her exuberance and in her work as a Spiritual Healer. Out of her own pain and suffering came fourth the understanding of what brings about successful healing. The avenues to successful healing are diverse varied and are done according to our beliefs in what works. Fundamental to all forms of healing is a love of life.
  • Magick, magick everywhere.. Just waiting for us to see! Do you still use your magick??? Or have you forgotten like so many before you, that it is still out there just waiting for you to reclaim it. It was a normal part of our lives.Here lies a little book of spells and magick for all to use…Remember the time.
  • To practice excellence in healing we should understand the linkage between the physical and non-physical (energy) aspects of the human body. Our body is a powerhouse of energy; therefore it is our tool for channeling and releasing the universal life force. So we need to understand the nature of energy.
  • The ancient land of Australia is home to some of the most amazing and wonderful creature on Earth. Come on a journey of mystery and magick to discover the secret wisdom of 48 Australian Animals. There are many paths to enlightenment and the Wisdom of the Australian Animals is just one of them. For many seekers after knowledge and guidance it holds more fascination than many other paths. All animals have their own special wisdom (or medicine), their own special messages to give to humanity, it is up to us however to open our eyes, hearts and ears to see, feel and hear these messages, that they bring to us.
  • Traditionally the Tarot is a deck of 78 cards that has become a popular method for seeking guidance or answers by tapping into our intuitive consciousness and/or the spirit world. The 78 cards of the tarot are divided into the major and minor arcana. The major arcana consists of 22 cards that represent the Fool's journey to enlightenment – in this case it’s the Tassie Tiger’s journey. The Tarot cards are a collection of the ‘secrets’ that underlie and explain our universe through the messages of the Australian Animals in this deck. Discover the full interpretation by the deck creator Ann Williams-Fitzgerald.


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